Community Bible Chapel
Growing in Christ, Reaching in Love
About Us
What to Expect
Our Beliefs
Pastor Jeremy Goff
Testimony - Gary Mueller - A Story of Real and Lasting Hope
Men's Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study
World Venture - Michigan
Tim and Joan Cumings
Ethnos360 - Waukesha, Wisconsin
Isabelle Dunn
CEF - Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Trish Gustafson
CrossWorld - Ukraine
Randy and Annette Hillebrand
United World Mission - North Carolina
Andy and Pam LaBreche
Empower International - Heading to Israel
Joseph and Ashley Langteau
One Hope International - Canada
Mark and Tina Mast
Tanalian Bible Camp - Alaska
Mark and Andrea McGee
CRU - Florida
Tom and Julie Meiner
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Texas
Jim and Paula Roberts
Middle East and North Africa
SAT7 TV and Digital Satellite
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Texas
Tim and Sharon Scanlon
Sermons, Specials, and Songs
Bocce Ball
2021 Baptism Celebration
60 Years of God's Faithfulness
Children and Youth
Service Opportunities
Bible Study Helps
Jim and Paula Roberts
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Texas
Jim and Paula Roberts