Living Hope Native Ministries - Ontario, Canada
Nick Backlund
Lake Lundgren Bible Camp - Wisconsin, US
Tim and Ashley Laurence
Wycliff Bible Translators - US
Darrel and Laurie Kauffman
Oklahoma - US
Voice of The Martyrs
CEF - Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Trish Gustafson
CrossWorld - Ukraine
Randy and Annette Hillebrand
United World Mission - North Carolina
Andy and Pam LaBreche
One Hope International - Canada
Mark and Tina Mast
Tanalian Bible Camp - Alaska
Mark and Andrea McGee
CRU - Florida
Tom and Julie Meiner
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Texas
Jim and Paula Roberts
Middle East and North Africa
SAT7 TV and Digital Satellite
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Texas
Tim and Sharon Scanlon